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Hemp is Life

Hemp seeds contain fats, protein, and other chemicals. People use hemp for constipation, high cholesterol, eczema, arthritis, and many other conditions, but there is no good scientific evidence to support these uses. Don't confuse hemp with Canadian hemp, hemp agrimony, cannabis, or CBD.

What does hemp do to the human body?

The vitamins, minerals, and nutrients in hemp seeds can provide some significant health benefits. For example, hemp oil is rich in vitamin E, which is useful for helping keep your immune system functioning. It also acts as an antioxidant, helping reduce free radicals that can cause cell damage in your body.

Hemp seeds' nutty flavour and versatility also make them a great substitute for the levels of protein, essential fatty acids, and other nutritional benefits found in meat and dairy products. Hemp seeds also contain high levels of omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids.

What does hemp do to your brain?

Introduction. CBD has anxiolytic properties, reducing the autonomic and emotional responses to stress and interfering with the consolidation and extinction of fearful memories [1], which has been associated with anxiety disorders [2], autism spectrum disorder [3], psychosis [4] and post-traumatic stress disorder [5]

What products can be made with hemp?

Hemp is used to make a variety of commercial and industrial products, including rope, textiles, clothing, shoes, food, paper, bioplastics, insulation, and biofuel.

Hemp can be used to make oil, paper, plastic, clothing, milk, protein-rich flour or tea, and can even be found in lip balm, bath bombs and liquid soap. Almost all components of the hemp plant can be used or processed for various purposes: Stem: The stem of the hemp plant consists of bast and wood tissue.

Hemp is basically nature's purifier. The plant captures carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, quickly cleaning the air we breathe as a result. In fact, for every tonne of hemp produced, 1.63 tonnes of carbon is removed from the air, making hemp a much more effective sequester of carbon dioxide than trees.

Is hemp legal in the UK?

So what this means is that if you're caught with hemp growing in your backyard and you don't have a license, you're in for some trouble. Yes, it is currently legal to grow hemp in the UK. However, you would need a legal license from Home Office to grow hemp in your backyard.

Hemp seeds are a rich source of nutrients. Part of the hemp plant, these seeds are technically a nut that can be eaten raw or used to make milk, oil, cheese substitutes, or protein powder. While related to the cannabis plant, hemp seeds have little to none of the psychoactive compound THC found in marijuana.

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